The time class defines both calendar time and time period.
time [class]
:super propertied-object
:slots (micro second minute hour day month weekday year
timezone dst seconds)
- defines time objects.
:now [method]
(instance time :now)
creates a time object for the current time.
:init &optional sec micro dst tzone [method]
creates a time object which represents sec second
after January 1, 1970.
:make &key (year 1970) (month 0) (day 1)
(weekday 4) (hour 0) (minute 0) (second 0) (micro 0)
(timezone (* -9 3600))) [method]
creates a time object which is represented
by a calendar notation.
The timezone is defaulted to JST.
:year [method]
- returns the year component of the
time object. Note that the year is represented in a full (four)
digit notation, not the least two digits.
:month [method]
- returns the month component of the time object.
Note that the month begins from 0 for January.
:day [method]
- returns the day component of the time object.
Note that the day begins from 1 for the first of a month.
:weekday [method]
- returns the weekday component of the time object.
Note that the weekday begins from 0 for Sunday.
:hour [method]
- returns the hour component of the time object
in 24-hour representation.
Note that the hour ranges from 0 to 23.
:minute [method]
- returns the minute component of the time object.
Note that the hour ranges from 0 to 59.
:second [method]
- returns the second component of the time object.
Note that the hour ranges from 0 to 59.
:seconds [method]
- returns the seconds component of the time object.
Seconds represents time after the origin of the unix time, i.e.,
the midnight of January 1, 1970.
:year-day [method]
- returns the number of days after the
beginning of the year. For example, year-day of a time object representing
February 2nd is 32.
:difference atime [method]
- returns a new time object
representing the time difference of self from atime.
:add atime [method]
- returns a new time object
representing the added time of self and atime.
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