:super propertied-object
:slots flaglst docstring parsed-p
:init &key prog description epilog (add-help t) [method]
:add-argument flags &key (action :store) const default choices check read required help dest [method]
flag specify the options strings such as "-foo" or "-b". It also takes list values i.e. '("-bar" "-b").
action defines the behavior when this argument is passed to the program. Current supported actions are :store, :store-true, :store-false, :store-const, :append, and custom functions. help defines the help document text. Most of the arguments are designed according to https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html.
The following shows an example of argument-parser.
(require :argparse "argparse.l") (defvar argparse (instance argparse:argument-parser :init :description "Program Description (optional)")) (send argparse :add-argument "--foo" :default 10 :read t :help "the foo description") (send argparse :add-argument '("--bar" "-b") :action :store-true :help "the bar description") (send argparse :parse-args) (format t "foo: ~A~%" (send argparse :foo)) (format t "bar: ~A~%" (send argparse :bar)) (exit)
The following is an output of the example program above.
$ eus argparse-example.l foo: 10 bar: t $ eus argparse-example.l --foo=100 --bar foo: 100 bar: t $ eus argparse-example.l -h usage: [-h] [--foo=FOO] [-b] Program Description (optional) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --foo=FOO the foo description (default: 10) -b, --bar the bar description
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