
scene-model [クラス]

  :super   cascaded-coords 

:slots name objs

{\bf :init}
\it\&rest args \&key \= ((:name n) scene) \\lq  [method]\\
\> ((:objects o))
Create scene model

:objects [メソッド]
Returns objects in the scene.

:add-objects objects [メソッド]
Add objects to scene with identifiable names. Returns all objects.

:add-object obj [メソッド]
Add object to scene with identifiable name. Returns all objects.

:remove-objects objs-or-names [メソッド]
Remove objects or objects with given names from scene. Returns removed objects.

:remove-object obj-or-name [メソッド]
Remove object or object with given name from scene. Returns removed object.

:find-object name [メソッド]
Returns objects with given name.

:add-spots spots [メソッド]
Add spots to scene with identifiable names. All spots will be :assoc with this scene. Returns T if added spots successfly, otherwise returns NIL.

:add-spot spot [メソッド]
Add spot to scene with identifiable name. The spot will be :assoc with this scene. Returns T if spot is added successfly, otherwise returns NIL.

:remove-spots spots [メソッド]
Remove spots from this scene. All spots will be :dissoc with this scene. Returns removed spots.

:remove-spot spot [メソッド]
Remove spot from scene. the spot will be :dissoc with this scene. Returns removed spot.

:spots &optional name [メソッド]
Returns spots in the scene. If name is given returns spot of given name.

:object name [メソッド]
Returns object of given name.

:spot name [メソッド]
Returns scene of given name.

:bodies [メソッド]
