
node [クラス]

  :super   propertied-object 

:slots arc-list

:init n [メソッド]



:add-arc a

:remove-arc a


:unlink n

:add-neighbor n &optional a

:neighbors &optional args

arc [クラス]

  :super   propertied-object 

:slots from to

:init from_ to_ [メソッド]



:prin1 &optional (strm t) &rest msgs

directed-graph [クラス]

  :super   propertied-object 

:slots nodes

:init [メソッド]

:successors node &rest args

:node name

:nodes &optional arg

:add-node n

:remove-node n


:add-arc-from-to from to

:remove-arc arc



:write-to-dot fname &optional result-path (title output)

:write-to-pdf fname &optional result-path (title (string-right-trim .pdf fname))

costed-arc [クラス]

  :super   arc 

:slots cost

:init from to c [メソッド]


costed-graph [クラス]

  :super   directed-graph 

:slots nil

:add-arc from to cost &key (both nil) [メソッド]

:add-arc-from-to from to cost &key (both nil)

:path-cost from arc to

graph [クラス]

  :super   costed-graph 

:slots start-state goal-state

:goal-test gs [メソッド]

:path-cost from arc to

:start-state &optional arg

:goal-state &optional arg

:add-arc from to &key (both nil)

:add-arc-from-to from to &key (both nil)

arced-node [クラス]

  :super   node 

:slots nil

:init &key name [メソッド]

:find-action n


solver-node [クラス]

  :super   propertied-object 

:slots state cost parent action memorized-path

:init st &key ((:cost c) 0) ((:parent p) nil) ((:action a) nil) [メソッド]

:path &optional (prev nil)

:expand prblm &rest args

:state &optional arg

:cost &optional arg

:parent &optional arg

:action &optional arg

solver [クラス]

  :super   propertied-object 

:slots nil

:init [メソッド]

:solve prblm

:solve-by-name prblm s g &key (verbose nil)

graph-search-solver [クラス]

  :super   solver 

:slots open-list close-list

:solve-init prblm [メソッド]

:find-node-in-close-list n

:solve prblm &key (verbose nil)

:add-to-open-list obj/list



:add-list-to-open-list lst

:add-object-to-open-list lst

:pop-from-open-list &key (debug)

:open-list &optional arg

:close-list &optional arg

breadth-first-graph-search-solver [クラス]

  :super   graph-search-solver 

:slots nil

:init [メソッド]


:add-list-to-open-list lst

:add-object-to-open-list obj

:pop-from-open-list &key (debug)

depth-first-graph-search-solver [クラス]

  :super   graph-search-solver 

:slots nil

:init [メソッド]


:add-list-to-open-list lst

:add-object-to-open-list obj

:pop-from-open-list &key (debug)

best-first-graph-search-solver [クラス]

  :super   graph-search-solver 

:slots aproblem

:init p [メソッド]


:add-list-to-open-list lst

:add-object-to-open-list obj

:pop-from-open-list &key (debug nil)

:fn n p

a-graph-search-solver [クラス]

  :super   best-first-graph-search-solver 

:slots nil

:init p [メソッド]

:fn n p &key (debug nil)

:gn n p

:hn n p
