
gl::glvertices [クラス]

  :super   cascaded-coords 

:slots gl::mesh-list gl::filename gl::bbox

:set-color gl::color &optional (gl::transparent) [メソッド]
set color as float vector of 3 elements, and transparent as float, all values are betwenn 0 to 1

:actual-vertices [メソッド]
return list of vertices(float-vector), it returns all vertices of this object

:calc-bounding-box [メソッド]
calculate and set bounding box of this object

:vertices [メソッド]
return list of vertices(float-vector), it returns vertices of bounding box of this object

:reset-offset-from-parent [メソッド]
move vertices in this object using self transformation, this method change values of vertices. coordinates's method such as :transform just change view of this object

:expand-vertices [メソッド]
expand vertices number as same number of indices, it enable to set individual normal to every vertices

:use-flat-shader [メソッド]
use flat shader mode, use opengl function of glShadeModel(GL_FLAT)

:use-smooth-shader [メソッド]
use smooth shader mode, use opengl function of glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH) default

:calc-normals &optional (gl::force nil) (gl::expand t) (gl::flat t) [メソッド]
normal calculation
if force option is true, clear current normalset.
if exapnd option is ture, do :expand-vertices.
if flat option is true, use-flat-shader

{\bf :mirror-axis}
\it\&key \= (gl::create t) \\lq  [method]\\
\> (gl::invert-faces t) \\
\> (gl::axis :y)
creating mirror vertices respect to :axis

{\bf :convert-to-faces}
\it\&rest args \&key \= (gl::wrt :local) \\lq  [method]\\
\> \&allow-other-keys
create list of faces using vertices of this object

:convert-to-faceset &rest args [メソッド]
create faceset using vertices of this object

:set-offset gl::cds &key (gl::create) [メソッド]
move vertices in this object using given coordinates, this method change values of vertices. coordinates's method such as :transform just change view of this object

:convert-to-world &key (gl::create) [メソッド]
move vertices in this object using self's coordinates. vertices data should be moved as the same as displayed

:glvertices &optional (name) (gl::test #'string=) [メソッド]
create individual glvertices objects from mesh-list. if name is given, search mesh has the same name

:append-glvertices gl::glv-lst [メソッド]
append list of glvertices to this object

:init gl::mlst &rest args &key ((:filename gl::fn)) &allow-other-keys [メソッド]

:filename &optional gl::nm

:get-meshinfo gl::key &optional (pos -1)

:set-meshinfo gl::key gl::info &optional (pos -1)

:get-material &optional (pos -1)

:set-material gl::mat &optional (pos -1)

:expand-vertices-info gl::minfo


:draw-on &key ((:viewer gl::vwer) viewer)

:draw gl::vwr &rest args

:collision-check-objects &rest args


:make-pqpmodel &key (gl::fat 0)

gl::glbody [クラス]

  :super   body 

:slots gl::aglvertices

:glvertices &rest args [メソッド]

:draw gl::vwr

:set-color &rest args

gl::find-color gl::color [関数]

returns color vector of given color name, the name is defiend in

gl::transparent gl::abody gl::param [関数]
Set abody to transparent with param

gl::make-glvertices-from-faceset gl::fs &key (gl::material) [関数]
returns glvertices instance
fs is geomatry::faceset

gl::make-glvertices-from-faces gl::flst &key (gl::material) [関数]
returns glvertices instance
flst is list of geomatry::face

gl::write-wrl-from-glvertices fname gl::glv &rest args [関数]
write .wrl file from instance of glvertices

gl::set-stereo-gl-attribute [関数]

gl::reset-gl-attribute [関数]

gl::delete-displaylist-id gl::dllst [関数]

gl::draw-globjects gl::vwr gl::draw-things &key (gl::clear t) (gl::flush t) (gl::draw-origin 150) (gl::draw-floor nil) [関数]

gl::draw-glbody gl::vwr gl::abody [関数]

gl::_dump-wrl-shape gl::strm gl::mesh &key ((:scale gl::scl) 1.0) (gl::use_ambient nil) (gl::use_normal nil) (gl::use_texture nil) &allow-other-keys [関数]

x::tabbed-panel [クラス]

  :super   x:panel 

:slots x::tabbed-buttons x::tabbed-panels x::selected-tabbed-panel

:create &rest args [メソッド]

:add-tabbed-panel name

:change-tabbed-panel x::obj

:tabbed-button name &rest args

:tabbed-panel name &rest args

:resize x::w h

x::panel-tab-button-item [クラス]

  :super   x:button-item 

:slots nil

:draw-label &optional (x::state :up) (x::offset 0) [メソッド]

x::window-main-one &optional fd [関数]

x::event-far x::e [関数]

x::event-near x::e [関数]
