
inverse-matrix mat [関数]
returns inverse matrix of mat

diagonal v [関数]
make diagonal matrix from given vecgtor, diagonal #f(1 2) ->#2f((1 0)(0 2))

minor-matrix m ic jc [関数]
return a matrix removing ic row and jc col elements from m

atan2 y x [関数]
returns atan2 of y and x (atan (/ y x))

outer-product-matrix v &optional (ret (unit-matrix 3)) [関数]
returns outer product matrix of given v

matrix(a) v = a v

0 -w2 w1

w2 0 -w0

-w1 w0 0

matrix2quaternion m [関数]
returns quaternion of given matrix

quaternion2matrix q [関数]
returns matrix of given quaternion

matrix-log m [関数]
returns matrix log of given m, it returns [-pi, pi]

matrix-exponent omega &optional (p 1.0) [関数]
returns exponent of given omega

midrot p r1 r2 [関数]
returns mid (or p) rotation matrix of given two matrix r1 and r1

pseudo-inverse mat &optional weight-vector ret wmat mat-tmp [関数]
returns pseudo inverse of given mat

sr-inverse mat &optional (k 1.0) weight-vector ret wmat tmat umat umat2 mat-tmp mat-tmp-rc mat-tmp-rr mat-tmp-rr2 [関数]
returns sr-inverse of given mat

manipulability jacobi &optional tmp-mrr tmp-mcr [関数]
return manipulability of given matrix

random-gauss &optional (m 0) (s 1) [関数]
make random gauss, m:mean s:standard-deviation

gaussian-random dim &optional (m 0) (s 1) [関数]
make random gauss vector, replacement for quasi-random defined in matlib.c

concatenate-matrix-column &rest args [関数]
Concatenate matrix in column direction.

concatenate-matrix-row &rest args [関数]
Concatenate matrix in row direction.

concatenate-matrix-diagonal &rest args [関数]
Concatenate matrix in diagonal.

normalize-vector v &optional r (eps 1.000000e-20) [関数]
calculate normalize-vector #f(0 0 0)->#f(0 0 0).

pseudo-inverse-org m &optional ret winv mat-tmp-cr [関数]

sr-inverse-org mat &optional (k 1) me mat-tmp-cr mat-tmp-rr [関数]

eigen-decompose m [関数]

lms point-list [関数]

lms-estimate res point- [関数]

lms-error result point-list [関数]

lmeds point-list &key (num 5) (err-rate 0.3) (iteration) (ransac-threshold) (lms-func #'lms) (lmeds-error-func #'lmeds-error) (lms-estimate-func #'lms-estimate) [関数]

lmeds-error result point-list &key (lms-estimate-func #'lms-estimate) [関数]

lmeds-error-mat result mat &key (lms-estimate-func #'lms-estimate) [関数]
