
bvh-link [クラス]

  :super   bodyset-link 

:slots type offset channels neutral

:init name typ offst chs parent children [メソッド]
create link for bvh model

:type [メソッド]



bvh-sphere-joint [クラス]

  :super   sphere-joint 

:slots axis-order bvh-offset-rotation

{\bf :init}
\it\&rest args \&key \= (order (list :z :x :y)) \...
...on bvh-rotation) (unit-matrix 3)) \\
\> \&allow-other-keys
create joint for bvh model

:joint-angle-bvh &optional v [メソッド]

:joint-angle-bvh-offset &optional v

:joint-angle-bvh-impl v bvh-offset



bvh-6dof-joint [クラス]

  :super   6dof-joint 

:slots scale axis-order bvh-offset-rotation

:init &rest args &key (order (list :x :y :z :z :x :y)) ((:scale scl)) ((:bvh-offset-rotation bvh-rotation) (unit-matrix 3)) &allow-other-keys [メソッド]

:joint-angle-bvh &optional v

:joint-angle-bvh-offset &optional v

:joint-angle-bvh-impl v bvh-offset



bvh-robot-model [クラス]

  :super   robot-model 

:slots nil

{\bf :init}
\it\&rest args \&key \= tree \\lq  [method]\\
\> coords \\
\> ((:scale scl))
create robot model for bvh model

:make-bvh-link tree &key parent ((:scale scl)) [メソッド]

:angle-vector &optional vec (angle-vector (instantiate float-vector (calc-target-joint-dimension joint-list)))

:dump-joints links &key (depth 0) (strm standard-output)

:dump-hierarchy &optional (strm standard-output)

:dump-motion &optional (strm standard-output)

:copy-state-to robot

:fix-joint-angle i limb joint-name joint-order a

:fix-joint-order jo limb

:bvh-offset-rotate name



motion-capture-data [クラス]

  :super   propertied-object 

:slots frame model animation

:init fname &key (coords (make-coords)) ((:scale scl)) [メソッド]

:model &rest args

:animation &rest args

:frame &optional f


:animate &rest args &key (start 0) (step 1) (end (send self :frame-length)) (interval 20) &allow-other-keys

rikiya-bvh-robot-model [クラス]

  :super   bvh-robot-model 

:slots nil

:init &rest args [メソッド]

tum-bvh-robot-model [クラス]

  :super   bvh-robot-model 

:slots nil

:init &rest args [メソッド]

cmu-bvh-robot-model [クラス]

  :super   bvh-robot-model 

:slots nil

:init &rest args [メソッド]

read-bvh fname &key scale [関数]

read bvh file

bvh2eus fname &rest args [関数]
read bvh file and anmiate robot model in the viewer

{\bf load-mcd}
\it fname \&key \= (scale) \\lq  [function]\\
\> (coords) \\
\> (bvh-robot-model-class bvh-robot-model)
load motion capture data

parse-bvh-sexp src &key ((:scale scl)) [関数]

make-bvh-robot-model bvh-data &rest args [関数]
